Friday, February 27, 2009

Trodat Replacement Ink Pads

We are happy to offer Trodat replacement ink pads for the following Trodat rubber stamps:

  • Trodat self-inking replacement ink pads
  • Trodat Professional series replacement ink pads
  • Trodat Printy series replacement ink pads

Friday, February 20, 2009

Trodat 4810 Self Inking Date Stamp

We've added the Trodat line of custom self inking rubber stamps to our product line. 

Trodat date stamps are an excellent choice for your high volume stamping needs. 

The Trodat 4810 Self Inking Date Stamp uses patented precision components to create a smooth, quiet stamping experience.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ClassiX Self Inking Rubber Stamps

Stamp-Connection is excited about our newest product line, the ClassiX self inking rubber stamps.

ClassiX rubber stamps are from the makers of Xstamper, which is world renown for their high quality pre-inked stamps.

The difference with ClassiX, is that ClassiX are self-inking stamps. ClassiX stamps come in eight different colors, and feature a stamp action that is more quiet than anything else on the market.

Try ClassiX today!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Automatic Numbering Machines

Dater rubber stamps are extremely popular at the beginning of the year, as many companies update outdated date stamps.  But what about your number rubber stamping tasks?

Well there is a stamp for that too!

Automatic number machines help register numbers on various forms of bills and documents, automatically advancing number sequences in 8 different actions: repeat, consecutive, duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, quintuplicate, sextuplicate, and 12 times.

Not only that, but our line of Ideal automatic number machines feature a lustrous chrome finish and metal parts that will ensure that your automatic number machine will function well and will look great for years.